Saturday, 26 April 2014

T is for Traffic

A-Z Challenge.

Random Sightings No 20.

A belated letter T. Hopefully I'm back on the straight and narrow though I will try and blog tomorrow to help make up for lost time.

Traffic. It's so ubiquitous that we rarely notice it. It annoys us when drive in it or try to cross the road but as often as not we go to great lengths to edit it out of our lives especially when taking photographs. So going against the flow I'm posting some traffic related pictures.

View of a road from a footbridge in summer.

The same road in winter.

Traffic passing under Leicester's Belgrave flyover.

No traffic passing under the flyover because they've decided to demolish it
(it didn't really go any where as it was part of a bigger traffic scheme that never materialised)

Buses. For a time I became slightly obsessed with the reflections
on the fronts of buses. I liked this one because so many things
 where going on – the driver waiting to pull away, the traffic
lights on red, the woman on the top deck checking her phone.
Sadly no one else seemed to share my enthusiasm.

And for good measure – another bus.